I help your brand
strut their stuff online
Words and content that inspire, entertain, and keep prospects moving down the funnel.
Too many brands shuffle about in mediocrity. Going through the motions like zombies, asking faceless AIs to regurgitate all that’s been done before, spewing nonsense in perpetuity.
Because good content is easy. Great content is hard - but great content moves the needle closer to that intangible and vague hand-waving quality of ‘it'.
Whatever ‘it’ is, you either got it, or you want it. I’ll help you talk the talk so you can walk the walk, confident that you are ‘it’.

My services

My work
Blogs a la carte


Hello there 👋 I’m Jon.
After telling stories in B2B tech startups for the past 5 years, I thought - why limit myself like that? So I went rogue to help brands big and small get their message across.
From SEO to video scripts, if there are words involved, I’m there.